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Be a Hero, Save My Life

I am searching for a living kidney donor. Can you share your spare? Did you know you only need one? There would be no cost to you to give me the gift of life.  To get more information please call the transplant office at Barnes Jewish Hospital and give them my full name Deborah Kelly and birthday 11/6/75.  The number is listed below. Just click the black box to call! 

Saving Deb

Help Find me a Kidney by sharing my website

My story began in 2012 when I was diagnosed with Polycystic Kidney Disease and Polycystic Liver Disease. This is a genetic disease that I was born with, but I am a mutation and the only person in my family who has it. There is no cure for PKD and it eventually leads to kidney failure and a need for a transplant. In December 2018 I had a successful liver transplant but the time has come where I need a new kidney. I am currently in stage 5 with only 10% kidney function. In the meantime, dialysis will keep me alive. I am on the transplant list in Saint Louis MO at Barnes Jewish Hospital. The wait can be over 3 years, so I am looking for a living donor.  If you are willing to give me the gift of life and be a living donor you will need to call the office to get screened. There is no cost to you for anything!  Please consider saving my life.  Feel free to ask me any questions or just send some positive vibes. 

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Polycystic Kidney Disease Awareness

Our Mission

Saving Deb, the mission is to find a life-saving kidney donor, raise awareness about kidney disease, and inspire action to fight this illness. Through education, advocacy, and support, we aim to build a community of hope and compassion. Together, we strive to save lives, promote early detection, and support research efforts to find a cure. Join us in the fight to ensure that Deb and others like her can lead healthy, fulfilling lives.


Make a donation

The donations are to help with all medical and living expenses while I fight for my life. Thank you from the bottom of my heart.


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